諫田 淳也(講師)、水本 智咲(特定病院助教)、新井 康之(検査部・細胞療法センター 病
院講師)、竹田 淳恵(特定病院助教)、渡邊 瑞希(特定病院助教)、岩﨑 惇(医員)、
岡 知美(遺伝子診療部・医員)、林 裕美(大学院生)、近藤 忠一(非常勤講師)、
恩田 佳幸(客員研究員)、岡 恵(移植コーディネーター)、奥田 智子(CRC)、
波多江 美絵子(CRC)、木村 直子(CRC)、相見 優(CRC)、藤田 美紀子(CRC)、
中根 華子(CRC)、清水 義仁(技術補佐員)、奥中 桃子(技術補佐員)、
谷村 美佳(技術補佐員)、平田 由加里(技術補佐員)、細川 聖子(医師クラーク)、
槙尾 舞(医師クラーク)
多施設共同臨床研究のため,京都大学の関連病院による研究グループ KHSG(Kyoto Hematology Study Group)を2012年に立ち上げ、さらには、より造血幹細胞移植に特化した研究グループKSCTG(Kyoto Stem Cell Transplantation Group)を2016年に設立しました。このグループにより現在まで、悪性リンパ腫、多発性骨髄腫、白血病、造血幹細胞移植に関して、介入試験や患者検体を用いた研究等、様々な臨床試験を実施しております(Ann Hematol. 2023, Transplant Cell Ther. 2023, Hematology. 2022, Bone Marrow Transplant. 2022, Transplantation. 2022, Blood Adv. 2022, Sci Rep. 2020, Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2020, Blood Adv. 2020, Ann Hematol. 2019)。また京都大学腫瘍生物学講座と共同研究を行い、変異の組み合わせや、コピー数異常が予後に与える影響や、genotype-phenotype relationshipについて研究しております。2014年からは当院、倉敷中央病院、同志社女子大学との共同研究として、「造血器悪性腫瘍における用量調整静注ブスルファン(一日4回投与)を含む前処置を用いた同種造血幹細胞移植の有用性の検討」の臨床試験(研究責任医師:近藤)を実施し、論文化いたしました(Ann Hematol. 2023)。引き続いて2020年からは特定臨床研究として、ブスルファン一日1回投与について同様の多施設共同研究を開始しています(研究責任医師:諫田)。
さらに、多くの若手医師と共に日本造血・免疫細胞療法学会のワーキンググループ(WG)に参加し、多くの学会発表、論文報告を行い、日本の造血細胞移植医療の発展に貢献しています。成人ALL-WGとGVHD-WGでは、それぞれ新井と諫田がWG責任者に任命されています。また、本学会として初めての産学共同研究(FLT3遺伝子変異を有するAML再発又は難治性の急性骨髄性白血病患者における、ギルテリチニブが同種造血幹細胞移植後成績に及ぼす影響に関する観察研究)においては、新井が研究代表者を、2つ目の産学共同研究(日本における同種造血幹細胞移植後移植片対宿主病(GVHD)のリアルワールドデータベース研究:移植登録一元管理プログラムデータベース解析研究)においては、諫田が研究代表者を務めています。また、本邦のデータだけではなく、米国(諫田・新井)や欧州(諫田)のレジストリーデータを用いた国際共同研究も積極的に行っております(業績)。 その他、日本造血・免疫細胞療法学会主導臨床研究「GVHD予防法に抗ヒト胸腺細胞免疫グロブリンを用いたGVH方向HLA一抗原不適合血縁者からの造血幹細胞移植療法の多施設共同第II相試験」では諫田が主任研究者を務めるとともに、当研究室が研究事務局として研究を主導し、論文報告を行いました(Cell Transplant. 2020)。さらに、新規学会主導臨床研究「非血縁者間骨髄移植における抗ヒト胸腺細胞免疫グロブリンの無作為割付試験」も同様の体制で臨床試験を実施中です。
- Wada F, Nishikori M, Hishizawa M, Watanabe M, Aiba A, Kitano T, Shimazu Y, Shindo T,Kondo T , and Takaori-Kondo A. Secondary failure of platelet recovery in patients treated with high-dose thiotepa and busulfan followed by autologous stem cell transplantation. Int J Hematol. 112(5): 609-613, 2020.
- Noguchi M, Chen-Yoshikawa TF, Arai YArai Y, MD, Kondo T, Hiramatsu H, Tanaka S, Yamada Y, Yutaka Y, Nakajima D, Hamaji M, Ohsum A, Takita J, Takaori-Kondo A, Date H. Expanded indications for lung transplantation for pulmonary complications after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 20: 32887-7, 2020.
- Terakura S, Konuma T, Tanaka M, Ozawa Y, Onizuka M, Nanno S, Onishi Y, Aotsuka N, Kondo T, Kawakita T, Kato J, Kobayashi T, Nishida T, Yamaguchi T, Kuwatsuka Y, and Takahashi S. A randomized control trial of conditioning regimen for cord blood transplantation for adult myeloid malignancies comparing high-dose cytarabine/cyclophosphamide/total body irradiation with versus without G-CSF priming: G-CONCORD study protocol.BMJ Open .10(12): e04067, 2020.
- 森本 俊、進藤 岳郎、伊賀 雄平、森田 真梨、万木 紀美子、増田 健太、堀 利行、菱澤 方勝、近藤 忠一、山下 浩平、羽賀 博典、髙折 晃史。17年にわたる寒冷凝集素症の経過後に顕在化しibrutinibが著効した小型B細胞腫瘍。臨床血液. 62(12): 1678-1683, 2021.
- 松浦 朋子, 黒澤 彩子, 山口 拓洋, 森 文子, 森 毅彦, 田中 正嗣, 近藤 忠一, 坂本 周子, 藤井 伸治, 一戸 辰夫, 奈良 美保, 前田 智也, 藤澤 信, 名和 由一郎, 中邑 幸伸, 南口 仁志, 大西 康, 高野 久仁子, 高橋 都, 福田 隆浩。同種移植後患者の就労に関する実態調査 -慢性GVHD等の自覚症状による仕事・生活への影響に関する検討-。日本造血細胞移植学会雑誌。2021, in press.
- 岡田慎理、北脇年雄、鈴木優太、堀澤欣史、近藤忠一、谷澤公伸、菱澤方勝、高橋良一、山下浩平、高折晃史。同種骨髄移植によって骨髄異形成症候群に伴う二次性肺胞蛋白症が軽快した1例。日本内科学会雑誌. 109: 960-967, 2020.
- Yamasaki S, Mori J, Kanda J, Imahashi N, Uchida N, Doki N, Tanaka M, Katayama Y, Eto T, Ozawa Y, Takada S, Onizuka M, Hino M, Kanda Y, Fukuda T, Atsuta Y, Yanada M. Effect of allogeneic HCT from unrelated donors in AML patients with intermediate- or poor-risk cytogenetics: a retrospective study from the Japanese Society for HCT. Ann Hematol. 99: 2927-2937, 2020
- Watanabe M, Kanda J , Kojima H, Ikeda N, Fuji S, Kanda Y, Saji H, Tanaka H. Wide availability of HLA-matched or a few loci-mismatched donors in the graft-vs-host direction among nonsibling first-degree relatives. Hla. 95: 543-554, 2020
- Watanabe M, Kanda J , Hishizawa M, Nishikori M,Kondo T , Yamashita K, Takaori-Kondo A. Lymphopenia at diagnosis predicts survival of patients with immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders. Ann Hematol. 99(7): 1565-1573, 2020
- Nakaya A, Tanaka H, Yagi H, Ohta K, Shibayama H, Kohara T,Kanda J , Shindo M, Shimura Y, Kosugi S, Kida T, Kaneko H, Imada K, Karasuno T, Matsuda M, Iida M, Adachi Y, Fuchida SI, Uoshima N, Uchiyama H, Takahashi R, Matsui T, Wada K, Kiyota M, Shimazaki C, Hino M, Kuroda J, Kanakura Y, Takaori-Kondo A, Nomura S, Matsumura I. Retrospective analysis of plasmacytoma in Kansai Myeloma Forum Registry. Int J Hematol. 112: 666-673, 2020
- Nakaya A, Kohara T, Shibayama H, Onda Y, Kanda J, Kaneko H, Imada K, Kida T, Kosugi S, Ishikawa J, Yamamura R, Shimazu Y, Tanaka H, Fuchida SI, Shimura Y, Kiyota M, Wada K, Ito T, Uoshima N, Yagi H, Yoshihara S, Ohta K, Shimazaki C, Hino M, Takaori-Kondo A, Kuroda J, Matsumura I, Kanakura Y, Nomura S. Retrospective multi-center study of Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Multiple Myeloma in Kansai Myeloma Forum registry.Int J Hematol . 112: 435-438, 2020
- Miyao K, Terakura S, Kimura F, Konuma T, Miyamura K, Yanada M, Kako S, Morhishima S, Uchida N, Toya T, Ozawa Y, Fukuda T, Tanaka M, Sawa M, Takada S, Yoshida S, Kimura T, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Kanda J. Updated Comparison of 7/8 HLA Allele-Matched Unrelated Bone Marrow Transplantation and Single-Unit Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation as Alternative Donors in Adults with Acute Leukemia.Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 26: 2105-2114, 2020
- Kurosawa S, Yamaguchi H, Yamaguchi T, Fukunaga K, Yui S, Kanamori H, Usuki K, Uoshima N, Yanada M, Takeuchi J, Mizuno I, Kanda J, Okamura H, Yano S, Tashiro H, Shindo T, Chiba S, Tomiyama J, Inokuchi K, Fukuda T. The prognostic impact of FLT3-ITD, NPM1 and CEBPa in cytogenetically intermediate-risk AML after first relapse. Int J Hematol. 112: 200-209, 2020
- Kurosawa S, Shimomura Y, Tachibana T, Ishiyama K, Ota S, Kobayashi T, Uchida N, Fukushima K, Ashida T, Matsuoka KI, Kanda J, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Murata M, Aoki J. Outcome of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Neoplasms-Unclassifiable: A Retrospective Nationwide Study of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation.Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 26: 1607-1611, 2020
- Kanda J, Ando T, Kimura SI, Fujiwara SI, Imada K, Fujisawa S, Tachibana T, Atsuta Y, Kanda Y. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation From a Related Donor with Human Leukocyte Antigen 1-Antigen Mismatch in the Graft-Versus-Host Direction Using Low-dose Anti-thymocyte Globulin. Cell Transplant. 29:963689720976567, 2020
- Ikeda K, Ohto H, Yamada-Fujiwara M, Okuyama Y, Fujiwara SI, Muroi K, Mori T, Kasama K, Kanamori H, Iseki T, Nagamura-Inoue T, Kameda K, Kanda J Nagai K, Fujii N, Ashida T, Hirose A, Takahashi T, Minakawa K, Tanosaki R. Hematopoietic cell infusion-related adverse events in pediatric/small recipients in a prospective/multicenter study. Transfusion. 60: 1015-1023, 2020
- Hamada R, Kondo T, Murao M, Miyasaka J, Yoshida M, Nankaku M, Kanda J, Takaori-Kondo A, Ikeguchi R, Matsuda S. Effect of the severity of acute graft-versus-host disease on physical function after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Support Care Cancer. 28(7): 3189-3196, 2020.
- Morita-Fujita M, Arai Y, Yoshioka S, Ishikawa T, Kanda J, Kondo T, Akasaka T, Ueda Y, Imada K, Moriguchi T, Yago K, Kitano T, Yonezawa A, Nohgawa M, and Takaori-Kondo A on behalf of Kyoto Stem Cell Transplantation Group (KSCTG). Indication and benefit of upfront hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma in the era of ALL-type induction therapies.
Sci Rep . 10(1): 21418, 2020. - Iemura T, Arai Y, Kanda J, Kitawaki T, Hishizawa M, Kondo T, Yamashita K, Takaori-Kondo A. Impact of HLA class I allele-level mismatch on viral infection within 100 days after cord blood transplantation.
Sci Rep . 10(1): 21150, 2020. - Akahoshi Y, Nishiwaki S, Arai Y, Harada K, Najima Y, Kanda Y, Shono K, Ota S, Fukuda T, Uchida N, Shiratori S, Tanaka M, Tanaka J, Atsuta Y, Kako S. Reduced-intensity Conditioning Is a Reasonable Alternative for Philadelphia Chromosome-Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Among Elderly Patients Who Have Achieved Negative Minimal Residual Disease: A Report From the Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Working Group of the JSHCT. Bone Marrow Transplant.55(7): 1317-1325, 2020.
- Imahashi N, Terakura S, Kondo E, Kako S, Uchida N, Kobayashi H, Inamoto Y, Sakai H, Tanaka M, Ishikawa J, Kozai Y, Matsuoka KI, Kimura T, Fukuda T, Atsuta Y, Kanda J; Donor/Source Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Comparison of Reduced-Intensity/Toxicity Conditioning Regimens for Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation for Lymphoid Malignancies. Bone Marrow Transplant. 55(11):2098-2108,2020.
- Yanada M, Takami A, Yamasaki S, Arai Y, Konuma T, Uchida N, Najima Y, Fukuda T, Tanaka M, Ozawa Y, Ikegame K, Takanashi M, Ichinohe T, Okamoto S, Atsuta Y, Yano S. Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Adults With Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conducted in Japan During the Past Quarter Century. Ann Hematol.99(6): 1351-1360, 2020
- Yamamoto S, Tomizawa D,Kudo K, Hasegawa D, Taga T, Yanada M, Kondo T , Nakazawa Y, Eto T, Inoue M, Kato K, Atsuta Y and Ishida H. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for pediatric acute promyelocytic leukemia in Japan. Pediatric Blood &Cancer .67(5): e28181, 2020.
- Yokoyama H, Takenaka K, Nishida T, Seo S, Shinohara A, Uchida N, Tanaka M, Takahashi S, Onizuka M, Kozai Y, Yasuhiro S, Ozawa Y, Katsuoka Y, Doki N, Sawa M, Kimura T, Kanda J, Fukuda T, Atsuta Y, Nakasone H; Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Transplantation-Related Complication Working Group. Favorable Effect of Cytomegalovirus Reactivation on Outcomes in Cord Blood Transplant and Its Differences Among Disease Risk or Type. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 26(7): 1363-1370, 2020.
- Kaito S, Nakajima Y, Hara K, Toya T, Nishida T, Uchida N, Mukae J, Fukuda T, Ozawa Y, Tanaka M, Ikegame K, Katayama Y, Kuriyama T, Kanda J, Atsuta Y, Ogata M, Taguchi A, Ohashi K. Heterogeneous Impact of Cytomegalovirus Reactivation on Nonrelapse Mortality in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Blood Adv .4(6): 1051-1061, 2020 .
- Kawamura K, Kanda J, Ohashi K, Fukuda T, Iwato K, Eto T, Fujiwara SI, Mori T, Fukushima K, Ozawa Y, Uchida N, Ashida T, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Kanda Y. Influence of HLA 1-3-locus Mismatch and Antithymocyte Globulin Administration in Unrelated Bone Marrow Transplantation. Ann Hematol . 99(5): 1099-1110,2020.
- Watanabe M, Kanda J, Arai Y, Hishizawa M, Nishikori M, Ishikawa T, Imada K, Ueda Y, Akasaka T, Yonezawa A, Nohgawa M, Kitano T, Itoh M, Takeoka T, Moriguchi T, Yago K, Arima N, Anzai N, Watanabe M, Kondo T, Takaori-Kondo A, on behalf of the Kyoto Stem Cell Transplantation Group (KSCTG). Impact of donor source on allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for mature T- and NK-cell neoplasms in the Kyoto Stem Cell Transplantation Group. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 26(12): 2346-2358, 2020.
- Nagahata Y, Kondo T, Ono Y, Hiramoto N, Kitano T, Hishizawa M, Yamashita K, Hashimoto H, Ishikawa T, Takaori-Kondo A. High-Dose Cytarabine Chemotherapy (≥4 g/m2/day) before Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Non-Core-Binding-Factor AML in the First Complete Remission. Leuk Lymohoma. 61(13): 3128-3136, 2020.
- Kanda J, Umeda K, Kato K, Murata M, Sugita J, Adachi S, Koh K, Noguchi M, Goto H, Yoshida N, Sato M, Koga Y, Hori T, Cho Y, Ogawa A, Inoue M, Hashii Y, Atsuta Y, Teshima T; JSHCT GVHD Working Group. Effect of Graft-Versus-Host Disease on Outcomes After Pediatric Single Cord Blood Transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant . 55(7): 1430-1437,2020.
- Harada K, Fuji S, Seo S, Kanda J, Ueki T, Kimura F, Kato K, Uchida N, Ikegame K, Onizuka M, Matsuoka KI, Doki N, Kawakita T, Onishi Y, Yano S, Fukuda T, Takanashi M, Kanda Y, Atsuta Y, Ogata M; transplant complications working group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Comparison of the Outcomes After Haploidentical and Cord Blood Salvage Transplantations for Graft Failure Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant . 55(9): 1784-1795,2020.
- Fujimoto A,Hiramoto N,Yamasaki S,Inamoto Y,Ogata M, Sugio Y, Fukuda T,Uchida N,kegame K, Matsuoka K, Shiratori S, Kondo T,Miyamoto T,Tetsuya T,Ichinohe T,Kanda Y,Atsuta Y,and Suzuki R,on behalf of the Complication Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Low incidence of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with lymphoma treated with rituximab. Hematol Oncol .38(2): 146-152,2020.
- Wada F, Kondo T, Nakamura M, Chonabayashi K, Nishikori M, Hishizawa M, Yamashita K, and Takaori-Kondo A. Successful treatment of Hodgkin Lymphoma-like EBV-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with nivolumab. Ann Hematol . 99(4): 887-889,2020.
- Wada F, Kondo T, Nakamura M, Uno S, Fujimoto M, Miyamoto T, HOnda Y, Shibata H, Izawa K, Yasumi T, Nishikori M, and Takaori-Kondo A. EBV-associated lymphoproliferative disorder in a patient with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency with multiple reversions of an IL2RG mutation in T cells.eJHaem . 1(2): 581-584, 2020.
- Cirasino L, Robino AM, Podda G, Andrès E, Despotovic JM, Elalfy M, Holbro A, Kondo T, Lambert MP, Lee JW, Loggetto SR, McCrae KR, and Cattaneo M. Report of a ‘consensus’ on the lines of therapy for primary immune thrombocytopenia in adults. Platelets .31(4): 461-473,2020.
- Yamashita T, Takami A, Uchida N, Fukuda T, Eto T, Shiratori S, Ota S, Akasaka T, Miyakoshi S, Kondo T, Hidaka M, Kanda J, Atsuta Y, and Yano S.Reduced-intensity stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia with fludarabine-based conditioning with intravenous busulfan versus melphalan. Bone Marrow Transplant .55(10): 1955-1965 2020.
- Kida M, Usuki, K, Uchida N, Fukuda T, Katayama Y, Kondo T, Eto T, Matsuoka KI, Matsuhashi Y, Ota S, Sawa M, Miyamoto T ,Ichinohe T, Kimura T , Atsuta Y, Takami A, Miyazaki Y,Yano S , Ishiyama K ,Yanada M, Aoki J. Outcome and Risk Factors for Therapy-Related Myeloid Neoplasms Treated with Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Japan. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant .26(8): 1543-1551, 2020.
- Horisawa Y, Kondo T, Hishizawa M, Yamashita K, Takaori-Kondo A. A case of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for primary plasma cell leukemia after treatment with daratumumab. Ann Hematol . 99(11): 2699-2701,2020.
- Muranushi H, Kanda J, Arai Y, Shindo T, Hishizawa M, Yamamoto T, Kondo T, Yamashita K, Matsubara K, Takaori-Kondo A. Drug monitoring for mycophenolic acid in graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis in cord blood transplantation. Br J Clin Pharmacol . Br J Clin Pharmacol . 86(12): 2464-2472, 2020.
- Matsui H, Arai Y, Imoto H, Mitsuyoshi T, Tamura N, Kondo K, Kanda J, Ishikawa T, Imada K, Ueda Y, Akasaka T, Anzai N, Yago K, Nogawa M, Yonezawa A, Arima N, Ito M, Kitano T, Tsuji M, Moriguchi T, Takaori-Kondo A. Risk factors and appropriate therapeutic interventions for thrombotic microangiopathy after allo-HSCT. Blood Adv . 4(13): 3169-3179, 2020.
- Konuma T, Kondo T, Mizuno S, Doki N, Aoki J, Fukuda T, Tanaka M, Sawa M, Katayama Y, Uchida N, Ozawa Y, Morishige S, Matsuoka KI, Ichinohe T, Onizuka M, Kanda J, Atsuta Y, Yanada M; Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Conditioning Intensity for Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients with Poor-Prognosis Cytogenetics in First Complete Remission. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 26(3): 463-471, 2020.
- Shinohara S, Oshima K, Fuji S, Umeda K, Kako S, Kurokawa M, Tsukada N, Kasai M, Kondo T, Hashii Y, Nakamae H, Ikegame K, Kosaka Y, Shimada A, Nawa Y, Makoto Y, Teshima T, Atsuta Y, Fukuda T, Tanaka J and Ogata M. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in solid organ recipients with emphasis on transplant complications: a nationwide retrospective survey on behalf of the JSHCT, transplant complications working group. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 26(1): 66-75, 2020.
- Arai Y, Kondo T, Fuse K, Shibasaki Y, Masuko M,Sugita J , Teshima T, Uchida N, Fukuda T, Kakihana K, Ozawa Y, Eto T, Tanaka M, Ikegame K, Mori T, Iwato K, Ichinohe T, Kanda Y, Atsuta Y. Using a machine learning algorithm to predict acute graft-versus-host disease following allogenic transplantation. Blood AdvBlood Adv . 3(22): 3626-3634, 2019.
- Konuma T, Kanda J, Inamoto Y, Hayashi H, Kobayashi S, Uchida N, Sugio Y, Tanaka M, Kobayashi H, Kouzai Y, Takahashi S, Eto T, Mukae J, Matsuhashi Y, Fukuda T, Takanashi M, Kanda Y, Atsuta Y, Kimura F. Improvement of Early Mortality in Single-Unit Cord Blood Transplantation for Japanese Adults From 1998 to 2017. Am J Hematol. 95(4): 343-353, 2020.
- Yokoyama H, Morishima Y, Fuji S, Uchida N, Takahashi S, Onizuka M, Tanaka M, Yuju O, Eto T, Ozawa Y, Takada S, Takanashi M, Kato K, Kanda Y, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Kanda J; HLA Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Impact of HLA Allele Mismatch at HLA-A, -B, -C, and -DRB1 in Single Cord Blood Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 26(3): 519-528, 2020.
- Kanda J, Hayashi H, Ruggeri A, Kimura F, Volt F, Takahashi S, Labopin M, Kako S, Tozatto-Maio K, Yano S, Sanz G, Uchida N, Van Lint MT, Kato S, Mohty M, Forcade E, Kanamori H, Sierra J, Ohno Y, Saccardi R, Fukuda T, Ichinohe T, Takanashi M, Rocha V, Okamoto S, Nagler A, Atsuta Y, Gluckman E. Prognostic factors for adult single cord blood transplantation among European and Japanese populations: the Eurocord/ALWP-EBMT and JSHCT/JDCHCT collaborative study. Leukemia . 34(1): 128-137, 2020.
- Yanada M, Konuma T, Yamasaki S, Kuwatsuka Y, Masuko M, Tanaka M, Ozawa Y, Toya T, Fukuda T, Ota S, Sawa M, Uchida N, Nakamae H, Eto T, Kanda J, Takanashi M, Kanda Y, Atsuta Y, Yano S. Time-Varying Effects of Graft Type on Outcomes for Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant .26(2):307-315, 2020.
- Kanda J, Kawase T, Tanaka H, Kojima H, Morishima Y, Uchida N, Nagafuji K, Matsuhashi Y, Ohta T, Onizuka M, Sakura T, Takahashi S, Miyakoshi S, Kobayashi H, Eto T, Tanaka J, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Morishima S; HLA Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Effects of Haplotype Matching on Outcomes after Adult Single-Cord Blood Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 26(3): 509-518, 2020.
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