京都大学大学院医学研究科 血液・腫瘍内科学


ホーム研究 > 臨床研究グループ


諫田 淳也(講師)、水本 智咲(特定病院助教)、新井 康之(検査部・細胞療法センター 病 院講師)、竹田 淳恵(特定病院助教)、渡邊 瑞希(特定病院助教)、岩﨑 惇(医員)、 岡 知美(遺伝子診療部・医員)、林 裕美(大学院生)、近藤 忠一(非常勤講師)、 恩田 佳幸(客員研究員)、岡 恵(移植コーディネーター)、奥田 智子(CRC)、 波多江 美絵子(CRC)、木村 直子(CRC)、相見 優(CRC)、藤田 美紀子(CRC)、 中根 華子(CRC)、清水 義仁(技術補佐員)、奥中 桃子(技術補佐員)、 谷村 美佳(技術補佐員)、平田 由加里(技術補佐員)、細川 聖子(医師クラーク)、
槙尾 舞(医師クラーク)


 多施設共同臨床研究のため,京都大学の関連病院による研究グループ KHSG(Kyoto Hematology Study Group)を2012年に立ち上げ、さらには、より造血幹細胞移植に特化した研究グループKSCTG(Kyoto Stem Cell Transplantation Group)を2016年に設立しました。このグループにより現在まで、悪性リンパ腫、多発性骨髄腫、白血病、造血幹細胞移植に関して、介入試験や患者検体を用いた研究等、様々な臨床試験を実施しております(Ann Hematol. 2023, Transplant Cell Ther. 2023, Hematology. 2022, Bone Marrow Transplant. 2022, Transplantation. 2022, Blood Adv. 2022, Sci Rep. 2020, Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2020, Blood Adv. 2020, Ann Hematol. 2019)。また京都大学腫瘍生物学講座と共同研究を行い、変異の組み合わせや、コピー数異常が予後に与える影響や、genotype-phenotype relationshipについて研究しております。2014年からは当院、倉敷中央病院、同志社女子大学との共同研究として、「造血器悪性腫瘍における用量調整静注ブスルファン(一日4回投与)を含む前処置を用いた同種造血幹細胞移植の有用性の検討」の臨床試験(研究責任医師:近藤)を実施し、論文化いたしました(Ann Hematol. 2023)。引き続いて2020年からは特定臨床研究として、ブスルファン一日1回投与について同様の多施設共同研究を開始しています(研究責任医師:諫田)。


さらに、多くの若手医師と共に日本造血・免疫細胞療法学会のワーキンググループ(WG)に参加し、多くの学会発表、論文報告を行い、日本の造血細胞移植医療の発展に貢献しています。成人ALL-WGとGVHD-WGでは、それぞれ新井と諫田がWG責任者に任命されています。また、本学会として初めての産学共同研究(FLT3遺伝子変異を有するAML再発又は難治性の急性骨髄性白血病患者における、ギルテリチニブが同種造血幹細胞移植後成績に及ぼす影響に関する観察研究)においては、新井が研究代表者を、2つ目の産学共同研究(日本における同種造血幹細胞移植後移植片対宿主病(GVHD)のリアルワールドデータベース研究:移植登録一元管理プログラムデータベース解析研究)においては、諫田が研究代表者を務めています。また、本邦のデータだけではなく、米国(諫田・新井)や欧州(諫田)のレジストリーデータを用いた国際共同研究も積極的に行っております(業績)。 その他、日本造血・免疫細胞療法学会主導臨床研究「GVHD予防法に抗ヒト胸腺細胞免疫グロブリンを用いたGVH方向HLA一抗原不適合血縁者からの造血幹細胞移植療法の多施設共同第II相試験」では諫田が主任研究者を務めるとともに、当研究室が研究事務局として研究を主導し、論文報告を行いました(Cell Transplant. 2020)。さらに、新規学会主導臨床研究「非血縁者間骨髄移植における抗ヒト胸腺細胞免疫グロブリンの無作為割付試験」も同様の体制で臨床試験を実施中です。





  • Arima N, Kanda J, Yabe T, Morishima Y, Tanaka J, Kako S, Sakaguchi H, Kato M, Ohashi K, Ozawa Y, Fukuda T, Ota S, Tachibana T, Onizuka M, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Kanda Y. Increased Relapse Risk of Acute Lymphoid Leukemia in Homozygous HLA-C1 Patients after HLA-Matched Allogeneic Transplantation: A Japanese National Registry Study. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 26(3): 431-437, 2019.
  • Hayashi H, Volt F, Sanz J, Petersen E, Dhedin N, Hough R, Milpied N, Angelucci E, Yakoub-Agha I, Michallet M, Michel G, Aljurf M, Kenzey C, Rocha V, Dalle JH, Bader P, Ruggeri A, Gluckman E; Eurocord, Cellular Therapy & Immunobiology Working Party, and Paediatric Diseases Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Myeloablative Unrelated Cord Blood Transplantation in Adolescents and Young Adults with Acute Leukemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 25(12):2438-2446, 2019.
  • Kato K, Uike N, Wake A, Yoshimitsu M, Tobai T, Moriuchi Y, Takatsuka Y, Fukuda T, Uchida N, Eto T, Nakashima Y, Kondo T, Taguchi J, Miyamoto T, Nakamae H, Ichinohe T, Kato K, Suzuki R, and Utsunomiya A; ATL Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. The outcome and characteristics of patients with relapsed adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Hematological Oncology . 37(1): 54-61, 2019.
  • Kawase T, Tanaka H, Kojima H, Uchida N, Ohashi K, Fukuda T, Ozawa Y, Ikegame K, Eto T, Mori T, Miyamoto T, Hidaka M, Shiratori S, Takanashi M, Atsuta Y, Ichinohe T, Kanda Y, Kanda J; HLA Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Impact of High-Frequency HLA Haplotypes on Clinical Cytomegalovirus Reactivation in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 25(12): 2482-2489, 2019.
  • Yanada M, Mori J, Aoki J, Masuko M, Harada K, Uchida N, Doki N, Fukuda T, Sakura T, Kanamori H, Sawa M, Kondo T, Katayama Y, Kanda J, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Yano S. Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for patients with a history of multiple relapses of acute myeloid leukemia. Ann Hematol . 98(9): 2179-2186, 2019.
  • Tachibana T, Ishizaki T, Takahashi S, Najima Y, Kimura SI, Sakaida E, Onizuka M, Mori T, Fujisawa S, Fujiwara SI, Saito T, Hagihara M, Aotsuka N, Gotoh M, Usuki K, Tsukada N, Kanda J, Kanamori H, Kanda Y, Okamoto S; Kanto Study Group for Cell Therapy (KSGCT). Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in patients with untreated acute myeloid leukemia: a KSGCT multicenter retrospective analysis. Bone Marrow Transplant . 2019.
  • Harada K, Yanada M, Machida S, Kanamori H, Onizuka M, Ozawa Y, Kobayashi H, Sawa M, Katayama Y, Ohashi K, Kanda J, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Yano S. Prognostic impact of melphalan dose and total body irradiation use in patients with acute myeloid leukemia undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation with reduced-intensity conditioning. Leuk Lymphoma . 60(6): 1493-1502, 2019.
  • Fujiwara SI, Kanda J, Tatara R, Ogawa H, Fukuda T, Okumura H, Ohashi K, Iwato K, Ueda Y, Ishiyama K, Eto T, Matsuoka KI, Nakamae H, Onizuka M, Atsuta Y, Kanda Y; HLA Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Clinical significance of low-dose total body irradiation in HLA-mismatched reduced-intensity stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant . 54(8): 1327-1336, 2019.
  • Kimura F, Kanda J, Ishiyama K, Yabe T, Yoshifuji K, Fukuda T, Ozawa Y, Iwato K, Eto T, Mori T, Uchida N, Ota S, Sakura T, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Kanda Y; donor/source working group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. ABO blood type incompatibility lost the unfavorable impact on outcome in unrelated bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant . 54(10): 1676-1685, 2019.
  • Izumi K, Kanda J, Nishikori M, Arai Y, Ishikawa T, Yoshioka S, Ueda Y, Maeda T, Yonezawa A, Anzai N, Moriguchi T, Imada K, Akasaka T, Nohgawa M, Itoh M, Aiba A, Tsunemine H, Watanabe M, Kondo T, Takaori-Kondo A. Outcomes of allogeneic stem cell transplantation for DLBCL: a multi-center study from the Kyoto Stem Cell Transplantation Group. Ann Hematol . 98(12): 2815-2823, 2019.
  • Kondo E, Ikeda T, Izutsu K, Chihara D, Shimizu-Koresawa R, Fujii N, Sakai T, Kondo T, Kubo K, Kato Y, Akasaka T, Fukuda T, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Suzumiya J, Suzuki R; Adult Lymphoma Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. High dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation in primary central nervous system lymphoma: Data from the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (JSHCT) registry. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 25(5): 899-905, 2019.
  • Harada K, Kanamori H, Ohashi K, Ozawa Y, Sawa M, Kondo T, Ishikawa J, Onizuka M, Imada K, Haro T, Tanaka J, Fukuda T, Atsuta Y, Kako S. The effect of melphalan dose and total body irradiation as reduced-intensity conditioning for acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Leuk Lymphoma . 60(4): 3521-3528, 2019
  • Itonaga H, Ishiyama K, Aoki K, Aoki J, Ishikawa T, Uchida N, Ohashi K, Ueda Y, Fukuda T, Sakura T, Ohno Y, Iwato K, Okumura H, Kondo T, Ichinohe T, Takahashi M, Atsuta Y, Miyazaki Y. Increased opportunity for prolonged survival after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients aged 60–69 years with myelodysplastic syndrome. Ann Hematol . 98(6): 1367-1381, 2019.
  • Fuji S, Miyamura K, Kanda Y, Fukuda T, Kobayashi T, Ozawa Y, Iwato K, Uchida N, Eto T, Ashida T, Mori T, Sawa M, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Kanda J; HLA Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Short-term clinical outcomes after HLA 1-locus mismatched uPBSCT are similar to that after HLA-matched uPBSCT and uBMT. Int J Hematol . 109(6): 684-693, 2019.
  • Kako S, Gomyo A, Akahoshi Y, Harada N, Kameda K, Ugai T, Wada H, Ishihara Y, Kawamura K, Sakamoto K, Sato M, Terasako-Saito K, Kimura SI, Kikuchi M, Nakasone H, Kanda J, Kanda Y. Haploidentical transplantation using low-dose alemtuzumab: Comparison with haploidentical transplantation using low-dose thymoglobulin. Eur J Haematol . 102(3): 256-264, 2019.
  • Sawayama Y, Itonaga H, Fukushima T, Nakano N, Fujiwara H, Utsunomiya A, Fukuda T, Miyamoto T, Eto T, Miyashita K, Nakamae H, Ogata M, Yamanoha A, Miyazaki Y, Kanda J, Atsuta Y, Kato K; ATL Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Cytomegalovirus reactivation is associated with increased mortality more than 100 days after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. Am J Hematol . 94(5): E143-E146, 2019.
  • Alousi A, Wang T, Hemmer MT, Spellman SR, Arora M, Couriel DR, Pidala J, Anderlini P, Boyiadzis M, Bredeson CN, Cahn JY, Cairo MS, Gadalla SM, Hashmi SK, Gale RP, Kanda J, Kamble RT, Kharfan-Dabaja MA, Litzow MR, Ringden O, Saad AA, Schultz KR, Verdonck LF, Waller EK, Yared JA, Holtan SG, Weisdorf DJ. Peripheral Blood versus Bone Marrow from Unrelated Donors: Bone Marrow Allografts Have Improved Long-Term Overall and Graft-versus-Host Disease-Free, Relapse-Free Survival. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 25(2): 270-278, 2019.
  • Yamasaki S, Chihara D, Kim SW, Kawata T, Mizuta S, Ago H, Chou T, Yamane T, Uchiyama H, Oyake T, Miura K, Saito B, Taji H, Nakamae H, Miyamoto T, Fukuda T, Kanda J, Atsuta Y, Suzuki R. Risk factors and timing of autologous stem cell transplantation for patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma. Int J Hematol . 109(2): 175-186, 2019.
  • Shimizu T, Kondo T, Matsumoto K, Hishizawa M, Yamashita K, Takaori-Kondo A. Neutropenia and renal dysfunction due to intravesical cidofovir for virus-associated hemorrhagic cystitis after kidney and allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantations. Transpl Infect Dis . e13185, 2019.
  • Nanya M, Yurugi K, Kato I, Hiramatsu H, Kawabata H, Kondo T, Iemura T, Hishida R, Shibutani E, Matsui K, Nakagawa Y, Niwa N, Kasai Y, Roig JM, Arai Y, Miura Y, Takaori-Kondo A, Maekawa T and Hirai H. Successful granulocyte apheresis using medium molecular weight hydroxyethyl starch. Int J Hematol . 110(6): 729-735, 2019.
  • Konuma T, Harada K, Yamasaki S, Mizuno S, Uchida N, Takahashi S, Onizuka M, Nakamae H, Hidaka M, Fukuda T, Ohashi K, Kohno A, Matsushita A, Kanamori H, Ashida T, Kanda J, Atsuta Y, Yano S; Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Upfront allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) versus remission induction chemotherapy followed by allogeneic HCT for acute myeloid leukemia with multilineage dysplasia: A propensity score matched analysis. Am J Hematol . 94(1): 103-110, 2019.
  • Atsuta Y, Kato S, Morishima Y, Ohashi K, Fukuda T, Ozawa Y, Eto T, Iwato K, Uchida N, Ota S, Onizuka M, Ichinohe T, Kanda J, Kanda Y; HLA Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Comparison of HLA Allele Mismatch and Antigen Mismatch in Unrelated Bone Marrow Transplantation in Patients with Leukemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 25(3): 436-442, 2019.
  • Yanada M, Konuma T, Kuwatsuka Y, Kondo T, Kawata T, Takahashi S, Uchida N, Miyakoshi S, Tanaka M, Ozawa Y, Sawa M, Nakamae H, Aotsuka N, Kanda J, Takanashi M, Kanda Y, Atsuta Y, Yano S. Unit selection for umbilical cord blood transplantation for adults with acute myeloid leukemia in complete remission: a Japanese experience. Bone Marrow Transplant . 54(11): 1789-1798, 2019.
  • Watanabe M, Kanda J. Recent progress in haploidentical transplantation: is this the optimal choice for alternative donor transplantation? Curr Opin Hematol . 26(6): 406-412, 2019.
  • Sakaguchi M, Yamaguchi H, Kuboyama M, Najima Y, Usuki K, Ueki T, Oh I, Mori S, Kawata E, Uoshima N, Kobayashi Y, Kako S, Tajika K, Shono K, Kayamori K, Hagihara M, Kanda J, Uchiyama H, Kuroda J, Uchida N, Kubota Y, Kimura S, Kurosawa S, Date K, Nakajima N, Marumo A, Omori I, Fujiwara Y, Terada K, Yui S, Wakita S, Arai K, Kitano T, Kakihana K, Kanda Y, Ohashi K, Fukuda T, Inokuchi K. Significance of FLT3-tyrosine kinase domain mutation as a prognostic factor for acute myeloid leukemia. Int J Hematol . 110(5): 566-574, 2019.
  • Tachibana T, Kanda J, Ishizaki T, Najima Y, Tanaka M, Doki N, Fujiwara SI, Kimura SI, Onizuka M, Takahashi S, Saito T, Mori T, Fujisawa S, Sakaida E, Matsumoto K, Aotsuka N, Goto M, Watanabe R, Shono K, Usuki K, Tsukada N, Kanamori H, Kanda Y, Okamoto S; Kanto Study; Group for Cell Therapy (KSGCT). Prognostic index for patients with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia who underwent hematopoietic cell transplantation: a KSGCT multicenter analysis. Leukemia . 33(11): 2610-2618, 2019.
  • Kato M, Kurata M, Kanda J, Kato K, Tomizawa D, Kudo K, Yoshida N, Watanabe K, Shimada H, Inagaki J, Koh K, Goto H, Kato K, Cho Y, Yuza Y, Ogawa A, Okada K, Inoue M, Hashii Y, Teshima T, Murata M, Atsuta Y. Impact of graft-versus-host disease on relapse and survival after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for pediatric leukemia. Bone Marrow Transplant . 54(1): 68-75, 2019.
  • Iemura T, Kitano T, Ishii A, Hishizawa M, Kondo T, Yamashita K, Takaori-Kondo A. Metronidazole-induced encephalopathy during treatment for refractory diarrhea after cord blood transplantation. Clin J Gastroenterol . 12(5): 414-419, 2019.
  • Kazuma Y, Shimazu Y, Hishizawa M, Nishikori M, Kitano T, Kondo T, Yamashita K, Takaori-Kondo A. Effectiveness of cord blood transplantation for the treatment of refractory angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma: a series of three cases. Bone Marrow Transplant . 54(10): 1710-1712, 2019.
  • Konishi Y, Kondo T, Nakao K, Asagoe K, Otsuka Y, Nishikori M, Hishizawa M, Yamashita K, Takaori-Kondo A. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for 8p11 myeloproliferative syndrome with BCR-FGFR1 gene rearrangement: a case report and literature review. Bone Marrow Transplant . 54(2): 326-329, 2019.
  • Watanabe M, Kanda J, Hishizawa M, Kondo T, Yamashita K, Takaori-Kondo A. Impact of cumulative steroid dose on infectious diseases after allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Transpl Infect Dis . 21(2): e13049, 2019.
  • Yokoyama H, Kanda J, Kato S, Kondo E, Maeda Y, Saji H, Takahashi S, Onizuka M, Onishi Y, Ozawa Y, Kanamori H, Ishikawa J, Ohno Y, Ichinohe T, Takanashi M, Kato K, Atsuta Y, Kanda Y; HLA Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Effects of HLA mismatch on cytomegalovirus reactivation in cord blood transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant . 54(7): 1004-1012, 2019.
  • Kurosawa S, Yamaguchi T, Oshima K, Yanagisawa A, Fukuda T, Kanamori H, Mori T, Takahashi S, Kondo T, Fujisawa S, Onishi Y, Yano S, Onizuka M, Kanda Y, Mizuno I,Taniguchi S, Yamashita T, Inamoto Y, Okamoto S, AtsutaY. Employment status was highly associated with quality of life after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation, and the association may differ according to patient age and graft-versus-host disease status: analysis of a nation-wide QOL survey. Bone Marrow Transplant . 54(4): 611-615, 2019.
  • Arai Y, Matsui H, Jo T, Kondo T, Takaori-Kondo A. Comparison of treatments for persistent/chronic immune thrombocytopenia: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Platelets . 30(8): 946-956, 2019.
  • Takamatsu H, Yamashita T, Kurahashi S, Saitoh T, Kondo T, Maeda T, Nakazawa H, Murata M, Narita T, Kuroda J, Hashimoto H, Kawamura K, Miyamoto T, Honda S, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y and Sunami K. Clinical implications of t(11;14) in patients with multiple myeloma undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplan t. 25(3): 474-479, 2019.
  • Kurosawa S, Yamaguchi T, Oshima K, Yanagisawa A, Fukuda T, Kanamori H, Mori T, Takahashi S, Kondo T, Oi M, Miyamura K, Umemoto Y, Teshima T, Taniguchi S, Yamashita T, Inamoto Y, Kanda Y, Okamoto S and Atsuta Y. Resolved versus Active Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease: Impact on Post-Transplantation Quality of Life. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 25(9): 1851-1858, 2019
  • Fujimoto A, Hiramoto N, Yamasaki S, Inamoto Y, Uchida N, Maeda T, Mori T, Kanda Y, Kondo T, Shiratori S, Miyakoshi S, Ishiyama K, Ikegame K, Matsuhashi Y, Tanaka J, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Ogata M, Suzuki R. Risk Factors and Predictive Scoring System For Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 25(7): 1441-1449, 2019.
  • Shimomura Y, Hara M, Tachibana T, Ohashi K, Sakura T, Fukuda T, Nakazawa H, Iwato K, Kanda Y, Ikeda T, Eto T, Kanda J, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Ishikawa T, Ishiyama K. Outcomes of second allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with relapse of myelodysplastic syndrome. Br J Haematol . 186(1): 86-90, 2019.
  • Maeda Y, Ugai T, Kondo E, Ikegame K, Murata M, Uchida N, Miyamoto T, Takahashi S, Ohashi K, Nakamae H, Fukuda T, Onizuka M, Eto T, Ota S, Hirokawa M, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Kanda Y, Kanda J. HLA discrepancy between graft and host rather than that graft and first donor impact the second transplant outcome. Haematologica . 104(5): 1055-1061, 2019. .
  • Kanda J. Guest Editorial: Are "alternative" stem cell sources still alternative in the new era? Int J Hematol . 110(1): 20-21, 2019.
  • Nakasone H, Kawamura K, Yakushijin K, Shinohara A, Tanaka M, Ohashi K, Ota S, Uchida N, Fukuda T, Nakamae H, Matsuoka KI, Kanda J, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Inamoto Y, Seo S, Kimura F, Ogata M. BM is preferred over PBSCs in transplantation from an HLA-matched related female donor to a male recipient. Blood Adv . 3(11): 1750-1760, 2019.
  • Iwasaki M, Kanda J, Hishizawa M, Kitano T, Kondo T, Yamashita K, Takaori-Kondo A. Effect of laminar air flow and building construction on aspergillosis in acute leukemia patients: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Infect Dis . 19(1): 38, 2019.
  • Watanabe M, Kanda J, Hishizawa M, Kondo T, Yamashita K, Takaori-Kondo A. Lymphocyte Area Under the Curve as a Predictive Factor for Viral Infection after Allogenic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 25(3): 587-593, 2019.
  • Kawabata H, Usuki K, Shindo-Ueda M, Kanda J, Tohyama K, Matsuda A, Araseki K, Hata T, Suzuki T, Kayano H, Shimbo K, Chiba S, Ishikawa T, Arima N, Nohgawa M, Miyazaki Y, Kurokawa M, Arai S, Mitani K, Takaori-Kondo A; Japanese National Research Group on Idiopathic Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes. Serum ferritin levels at diagnosis predict prognosis in patients with low blast count myelodysplastic syndromes. Int J Hematol . 2019
  • Konuma T, Kondo T, Kawata T, Iwato K, Sato Y, Mori T, Ohashi K, Nakazawa H, Sugahara H, Ago H, Eto T, Imamura Y, Fukuda T, Kanda Y, Atsuta Y, Yano S, Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Hematopoietic cell transplantation for acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis: a retrospective study in Japan. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant . 25(1): e23-e27, 2019.
  • Iemura T, Kondo T, Hishizawa M, Yamashita K, Kimura H, Takaori-kondo A. NK-cell post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease with chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection-like clinical findings.Int J Infect Dis . 88: 31-22, 2019.
  • 濱田涼太, 吉田路子, 宮坂淳介, 村尾昌信, 南角学, 諌田淳也, 近藤忠一, 高折晃史, 佐藤晋, 池口良輔, 松田秀一. 同種造血幹細胞移植後早期における骨格筋断面積変化の特徴. 日本造血細胞移植学会誌 . 8(2): 70-77, 2019年.
  • 今井理香, 赤澤千春, 近藤忠一. 55歳以上で骨髄非破壊的移植を受けた患者の退院後の生活. 日本移植・再生医療看護学会誌 . 14(1): 39-50, 2019年.
  • 新井康之, 山中悠平, 三好隆史, 杉森英里, 前田琢磨, 宮田茂樹, 山下浩平, 高折晃史. 骨髄増殖性腫瘍患者の術後血栓予防における、ヘパリン起因性血小板減少症の1例. 日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 . 65(4): 746-750, 2019年.
  • 大塚康幸, 近藤忠一, 野村亮介, 山下浩平, 高折晃史. 遺伝子組み換えトロンボモジュリン製剤が有効であったHLA半合致移植後移植関連血栓性微少血管症. 臨床血液. 60(11): 1560-1566, 2019年.
  • 高見昭良、杉田純一、矢野真吾、梅田雄嗣、近藤忠一.日本造血細胞移植学会ガイドライン ―ドナーリンパ球輸注―。2019年5月.